Information About Whole House Fans
A good whole house fan is quiet, inexpensive to operate, will last over 30 years, cool out the hot attic air and flush the heat out of the house, especially the upper levels and eliminate or reduce the need for air conditioning.
These fans work well in every type of house, from a simple single level ranch to the high, open floor plan multilevel style. They are especially effective in multi level home or houses with ceilings because it is so difficult to eliminate the hot air that concentrates in those high areas.
Being able to control the air in your home will transform it from a
hotbox to a comfortable and affordable retreat in the summer.
A whole house Fan does three things
1. Creates a breeze from any open window or door directly to the fan.
2. Flushes out the hot air in house by blowing it into the attic.
3. Flushes out the very hot air in the attic by blowing it out through the vents to the outdoors.
(The vents can be located in the roof, gable, overhang and ridge).
By being able to do these three things you can
1. Cool the house enough so that you can feel comfortable without any other cooling system on many days.
2. Reduce your air conditioning bill substantially and run it for a shorter time and do a better job as well.
3. Cool the upstairs levels of a house enough to be comfortable or finally enable your air conditioner or evaporative cooler to cool the upstairs quickly and economically.
4. Increase the comfort level in your home by controlling the hot air that builds up and lingers in the house.
5. Reduce indoor pollution.
6. Eliminate odors.
7. Freshen the air in the house at any time of the year by running the fan for just a few minutes.
8. Increase the value of your home when you are ready to sell it.
A Whole House Attic Fan will help cool your home at a fraction of the cost of air conditioning. These fans will actually outperform air conditioning or evaporative coolers in multi-story homes or homes with open floor plans.
10-year limited manufacturer's warranty on fan.
1 year limited manufacturer's warranty on motor, belt, switches.
1 year free on-site service warranty with professional installation standard.
Extended 5 year warranty available at a reasonable cost.
The carefree cooling offered by Weatherseal and Triangle Engineering has a combined reputation of reliability and value for more than 80 years and offers these quality features:
• Extended, heavy duty, wood framed installation,
developed by Atticfan.com
• 3" screw fasteners used throughout
• 5 point rubber mounting system for quiet performance
• Heavy duty, white, commercial grade,
non-vibrating shutter "whisper-quiet" operation
on low speed, white noise 46 Db on high speed
• Precision balanced blades and steel construction
• U.L. listed, 600 watt low energy, 1/3 hp, 2 speed, sealed bearing motor
• Fan made in the U.S.A.
This informative video shows how our fans are installed in your home.
Whole house fan without its motor.
From an article published in the Aurora Sentinel, Aurora, Colorado
Best Way to Cool Home also Cheap, Effective
"The best way to cool a home in Colorado is with a whole house fan. That seems to be the opinion of everyone who has one," says Seymour Schreiber, owner of Weatherseal, a company that has been selling, installing, and servicing the units since 1976.
"Our customers just love the results," said Schreiber. Operation is simple and costs about 25¢ a day to cool a typical home. A well made fan, properly installed and vented, is both quiet and effective.
The fans work by blowing hot air out of the attic area, thereby allowing the house to cool down quickly. At the same time they provide a cooling breeze throughout the house. By opening windows in different parts of the house and adjusting the speed of the fan the homeowner can fine-tune the system exactly.
People who have never had a whole house fan are often amazed at how effectively and quickly they work. Colorado's air is dry and the evenings are cool. Those are perfect conditions for a whole house fan. Our customers find that they have to turn the units off after two or three hours because the house can get too cold, even in the middle of the summer!
In other climates, the breezes created by the fans cause the homes to be far more comfortable than those without fans. To get some idea how this works, just blow gently across the back of your hand. Most people experience this as cool and pleasant. That cooling air you feel is actually almost 100 degrees (98.6 to be more exact, our body temperature)!
About one-third of Weatherseal's customers already had some other cooling system when they decided they were fed up and wanted to try a whole house fan. Hot air naturally rises as high as it can and cold air falls to the lowest level in a house. Neither air conditioning nor swamp coolers are very effective in multiple level homes or homes with high ceilings. It's difficult to cool the upper rooms where it is most needed. Air conditioning is also expensive and swamp coolers can put a stress on people who have allergies or asthma.
Since this is a permanent fixture, it makes sense to install a well engineered and reliable unit. Instead, many contractors and even homeowners buy cheap, poorly engineered fans that are noisy and can't be repaired. Often the needed extra venting is ignored as well. What appears to be a good price initially becomes a source of aggravation and expense later.
A good quality fan, properly installed and vented will provide many years of quiet, effective cooling. The fan will cost between $5 and $10 a month to operate for four to eight hours a day. That's each month! Air conditioning can cost many hundreds of dollars per month for the same results.
After years of installing fans, Weatherseal provides its customers all the benefits of that experience. No other company can match Weatherseal's experience, quality of installations, low cost and common sense approach.
And what is the most often heard comment from customers? When Weatherseal calls back to find out how they like the fan, we often hear the same exact words, "We only regret that we waited so long. We should have done this years ago!"
'We only regret that we waited so long. We should have done this years ago!'